Get Involved
Get involved with the day-to-day work here at Ventnor Botanic Garden by joining us as a volunteer. Learn from our experienced team of gardeners and volunteers, or part with some of your own knowledge. Take some time out in the Garden, gain experience and meet new people.
The importance of Volunteers at Ventnor Botanic Garden can scarcely be exaggerated – it would be impossible to achieve the results that we do without a group of committed individuals who are willing to contribute their energies in a variety of ways. All our volunteers are amazing and we are very thankful to them.

(Above) French students Mathilde and Thomas working amongst the Hedychiums at Ventnor Botanic Garden.
“This garden is a wonderful place for volunteers to make a contribution to their community, form new friendships, learn new skills, have fun and be a part of everything we have here.”

(Above) Staff, volunteers and students at the garden.

You’ll find volunteer choices to suit your interests, talents, experience and abilities. Specialised training may be offered to prepare you for your volunteer role – in other cases, enthusiasm will be the only ability you need. Whatever your interest, talent or ability, we will explore opportunities for you in our volunteer programme.
We hope to hear from you and meet you soon – it’s easy – simply contact us on 01983 855397 or email volunteer@botanic.co.uk
The Ventnor Botanic Garden Scholarship
This is offered to professional horticulturists working in botanic gardens or other large celebrated gardens, or students undertaking higher horticultural qualifications. It involves working alongside VBG garden staff, but on a voluntary basis. VBG will provide return ferry travel to the Island and accommodation for the duration of the work placement. These are short term placements, usually of one week to a month, and are available throughout the year. For details or to apply, contact us on 01983 855397 or email volunteer@botanic.co.uk
Tel: 01983 855397 | Ventnor Botanic Garden Community Company C.I.C | Company Number: 07976468 | Registered Address: Undercliff Drive, Ventnor, Isle of Wight, PO38 1UL