Tel: 01983 855397

The Tunnel

Our regular Tunnel Tours are currently postponed. Please email if you'd like to enquire about a private tour.

Ventnor Botanic Garden has many secrets, some dating back to the days of the Royal National Hospital that formerly stood on the site. Underground caverns, secret passageways and a tunnel through the cliff can be found by the visitors to the Garden.

A proposal to dig a tunnel from the gardens down to the shore was mooted in the late 1800s.  The Royal National Hospital annual report for 1875 states that “There can be no doubt that if the patients were able to obtain free access to the shore it would be very conducive alike to their recovery and their enjoyment.” Money for the tunnel at that time was not forthcoming and although it was built later, its function was by no means the rather romantic conception that has given rise to a good deal of speculation and comment; it was in fact used as a conduit for rubbish that was propelled through it and dumped into the sea. Steel tramlines are still visible on the floor. Exactly when the tunnel was built is unknown; possibly it was in relation to a new system of drainage and sewage disposal that was completed sometime in the 1880s. The tunnel was closed at both ends in 1940.

The 350 foot long vaulted roofed tunnel exits through the cliff midway down and is inaccessible. DO NOT attempt to locate the exit, or try to enter unless with one of our guides, as the cliff is extremely dangerous. Bolted gates are also in place for safety.


New Giant Waterlily Hybrid Update

Flowers of the new Giant Waterlily hybrid made at the garden last summer have begun to open.  Uniquely at VBG we used an un-named cultivar of V. amazonica as the father plant, so our hybrid is entirely new.  A bicolour flower trait that distinguished the father plant...

Puya begin to flower

Puya flower spikes emerge   Flower spikes of 3 Puya species have emerged at Ventnor Botanic Garden.  P. chilensis, with its striking yellow flowers, P. spathacea showing one spike and P. berteroana with its amazing blue flowers. This year we are hopeful that P....

Luke Gunner left for Kew

Luke Gunner, Garden Team Leader at Ventnor Botanic Garden, has been accepted on the prestigious Kew Diploma course at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.  The diploma attracts applications from hundreds of prospective students annually for only 15 places. Luke, 26, has...

Drive Thru Botanic Garden

In 2013 VBG was visited by Dr Mike Maunder, lately Director of Fairchild Botanic Garden and Hawaii Botanic Garden,  now Associate Dean of Florida International University.  We are lucky to have him agree to join the VBG Advisory Group.  On his visit we had lengthy...

VBG Schools Education Launch

The VBG Outdoor Classroom Opens for Business February 21st At a special launch event at the garden, VBG has launched our programme for school's education, driven and assisted by the VBG Friends' Society. Joy Monro of the VBG Friends has brought  the knowledge from her...

Garden Blog

Over the Christmas period it has been good to visit the Garden as someone who is interested in plants.  I'm reminded straight away what a remarkable collection of half-hardy plants have been amassed at Ventnor over the years.  So many plants have very personal stories...

Photography Competition Winners

Wightlife Photography Competition Thanks to all those that entered the photography competition as featured in Wightlife magazine this year. Ventnor Botanic Garden is delighted to announce the winners are; First Prize Ron Acred – Camellia Runners up Vivienne Pickering...

Garden Blog

The first voyage of James Cook on HMS Endeavour introduced the Australasian flora to European botanists for the first time.  I’ve often wondered before about how daunting this must have been, to see familiar plant families diversified to such a degree in Australia...

Save the Tropical House Appeal

Tropical House in urgent need of repair October 29th The October storm brought moderate damage compared to the big storm years of ’87 and ’90, but the most serious issue has been with our Tropical House where we lost a roof panel and some other damage to the cladding...

National Collection Status Granted for VBG Puya

Plant Heritage, formerly NCCPG, has officially recognised the collections of Puya held at VBG and awarded National Collection status for the Garden's hardy and half hardy Puya.  VBG has over 80 accessions representing more than 25 taxa in 17 species of Puya.  This is...

Garden Blog

  On previous plant collecting trips we have often admired a large group of Ochavagia rosea outside Hardy Exotics Nursery in Penzance.  Proprietor Clive Shilton had never any available for us to purchase until 2007 when he was generous enough to prize of a...

Botanic Ale has arrived!

Heralded by the recent warm weather, the Garden's newest cold filtered beer is now on sale. August 1st The first batch of our latest cold filtered beer made from last years crop of hand picked hops from our very own, unique Hop Yard, is now available.  We are selling...

Walking With Dinosaurs’ Plants

See the plants that survived the reign of the dinosaurs August 1st Walking with Dinosaur Plants   As the Isle of Wight is set to go Dino-crazy this summer, Ventnor Botanic Garden is delighted to announce it will be joining in with the fun with, Walking with...

Garden Blog

Despite the predation of rabbits and a highly unusual but nonetheless pleasantly dry June, our Olive Grove sub-flora has begun its primary colonisation. Our Heritage and Botanic Garden Bursary Scheme student, Sara, dedicated the early spring to researching the floral...

Puya berteroana begins flowering

The annual summer blooming of our Puya collection has begun. June 20th Our application is currently being considered by Plant Heritage for the National Collection of Puya.  Our plants have begun to flower again this year with Puya berteroana and P. alpestris.

Contact us

Refund Policy

Tel: 01983 855397  |  Ventnor Botanic Garden Community Company C.I.C  | Company Number: 07976468 | Registered Address: Undercliff Drive, Ventnor, Isle of Wight, PO38 1UL