Tel: 01983 855397

The Tunnel

Our regular Tunnel Tours are currently postponed. Please email if you'd like to enquire about a private tour.

Ventnor Botanic Garden has many secrets, some dating back to the days of the Royal National Hospital that formerly stood on the site. Underground caverns, secret passageways and a tunnel through the cliff can be found by the visitors to the Garden.

A proposal to dig a tunnel from the gardens down to the shore was mooted in the late 1800s.  The Royal National Hospital annual report for 1875 states that “There can be no doubt that if the patients were able to obtain free access to the shore it would be very conducive alike to their recovery and their enjoyment.” Money for the tunnel at that time was not forthcoming and although it was built later, its function was by no means the rather romantic conception that has given rise to a good deal of speculation and comment; it was in fact used as a conduit for rubbish that was propelled through it and dumped into the sea. Steel tramlines are still visible on the floor. Exactly when the tunnel was built is unknown; possibly it was in relation to a new system of drainage and sewage disposal that was completed sometime in the 1880s. The tunnel was closed at both ends in 1940.

The 350 foot long vaulted roofed tunnel exits through the cliff midway down and is inaccessible. DO NOT attempt to locate the exit, or try to enter unless with one of our guides, as the cliff is extremely dangerous. Bolted gates are also in place for safety.


Rare Bordered Straw Moth at VBG

Unusual summer visitor to garden August 3rd Rare moth caterpillars discovered amongst the olives Caterpillars of a rare UK migrant moth have been discovered amongst the olive trees at Ventnor Botanic Garden.  The Bordered Straw Moth caterpillars were found in the...

Special Night Visits to the Giant Waterlily

See the enigmatic night flowering lily of legend This week for the flowers of the Giant Waterlily have opened.  This year we are offering special opportunities to visit at night to see the amazing nightflowering lily.  After midnight the lily opens its flower,...

Chris’ Blog

Plant Profile Echium pininana When composing Blogs on plants at VBG it’s often easy to overlook the obvious through familiarity.  Perhaps a plant for which this botanic garden is rightly famed is one that we don’t tend, plant, propagate or molly coddle.  It has grown,...

Echium begin to open

Iconic flower parade begins The "great opening" of the 2015 Echium pininana parade has begun.  The picture above shows the very first dozen or so individual flowers opening on a single spike in our Mediterranean Garden.  Each flower spike of these iconic plants,...

Stunning IOW Video from Liz Earle

VBG Partners Liz Earle video January 28th Click on the image above.  You will be redirected to the Liz Earle Youtube site.

Garden Blog

A Garden in the Houses of Parliament In the August Blog I wrote about an award winning garden we put up at Gardener’s World Live at the Birmingham NEC, in conjunction with Visit Isle of Wight Ltd, the destination management company who promote the island to the...

Meet Artist in Residence Judy Rodrigues

Ventnor Botanic Garden is pleased to announce the arrival of Judy Rodrigues as our artist in residence. ‘The Hill Hassall R&D Residency’ is supported by Arts Council England.  Judy will be working in our new Studio area built within the front of our Tropical...

Endangered Kniphofia in Flower

Rare South African Kniphofia bruceae blooms November 4th Great news in November at the Garden; our latest batch of the South African Red Hot Poker Kniphofia bruceae have begun to flower.  VBG has a nationally renowned collection of Kniphofia including this highly...

Is Brugmansia the New Canna?

The Canna Bank at VBG is so named because it became where we grew the riot of colour possible from the species and cultivars of Canna. Canna are well established in English gardens, they are usually treated as half hardy prennials that need to be lifted (and divided)...

Hop Harvest Report

On a clear sunny day on 10th September 2014 staff, Friends and volunteers gathered at the Cliff Top Hop Yard. Picking began at 8am as soon as the dew began to dry. Picking hops by hand ensures only the fully ripe cones are selected, and all the bits and pieces of...

Hops Festival 2014

Hops Festival returns! Celebrating another successful hops harvest, Ventnor Botanic Garden is delighted to announce Hops Festival will be taking place on Sunday 21st September. This year, Hops Festival will be featuring a range of beers and real ales brewed on the...

New Heritage Centre and Mushroom chamber opens

We are pleased to announce the opening of our new Heritage Centre.  Located above the subterranean caverns that formed the boiler rooms of the former hospital, the centre gathers together pictures and artifacts from the old hospital.  Below this is our new Mushroom...

Hop Picking 2014

Free beer! Help us bring in our hop harvest September 4th Free Beer! Hop Picking 10th September 2014   Volunteers needed!  The 2014 hop pick is currently Wednesday 10th September 2014, keep your eyes on this site for the final decision soon.  Sign in then make...

Garden Blog

BBC Gardener’s World Live 2014   At the end of April 2014 we were approached by Liz Walker, Destination Development Manager from Visit Isle of Wight Ltd, who each year as part of their exhibitions programme to promote the Isle of Wight take stand space at a range...

Tropical House Renovation – Update

High level polycarbonate cladding now replaced Built in 1986, the original polycarbonate cladding of the Tropical House was guaranteed for 14 years but survived for nearly 30years. An inspection in 2013 revealed that it had become critically degraded and the winter...

Contact us

Refund Policy

Tel: 01983 855397  |  Ventnor Botanic Garden Community Company C.I.C  | Company Number: 07976468 | Registered Address: Undercliff Drive, Ventnor, Isle of Wight, PO38 1UL