Tel: 01983 855397

Earth Day 2022 – Ventnor Botanic Garden

Earth Day 2022 at Ventnor Botanic Garden – One day a year to give back, love and promote ways of protecting our World. Here at Ventnor Botanic Garden, we are passionate about protecting our environment and monitoring the impacts of global climate change. Here in...

Ventnor Botanic Garden – Playground Closed

Why is Ventnor Botanic Garden playground closed? Our team set out earlier this month (April 2022) on our playground upgrade project. The aim being, to improve and upgrade our current play equipment, while also installing new, natural play structures. We were...

Ventnor Botanic Garden’s ‘Bumpy Slide’

The long-awaited removal, repair, and refit of our very own, Bumpy Slide has finally begun! We are very pleased to announce that earlier this month (April 2022) the old, but much loved ‘Bumpy Slide’ in Ventnor Botanic Garden’s playground was removed...
Sarah Doerfel & Vincent Scheers – Artists in Residence

Sarah Doerfel & Vincent Scheers – Artists in Residence

Artists in Residence at Ventnor Botanic Garden, Spring 2022 Here at Ventnor Botanic Garden, we’re proud to welcome artists from across the globe as Artists In Residence. Working, displaying their art and living on-site, here at the gardens. Our current artists...
Angie Davies (IOW)

Angie Davies (IOW)

“One of my favourite gardens on the Isle of Wight is the Ventnor Botanic Garden. The garden is starting to wake up to spring with the first burst of colour coming from the enormous and beautiful magnolias. In full bloom, these towering trees can be seen from the...