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Meet Artist in Residence Judy Rodrigues

Ventnor Botanic Garden is pleased to announce the arrival of Judy Rodrigues as our artist in residence. ‘The Hill Hassall R&D Residency’ is supported by Arts Council England.  Judy will be working in our new Studio area built within the front of our Tropical...

Endangered Kniphofia in Flower

Rare South African Kniphofia bruceae blooms November 4th Great news in November at the Garden; our latest batch of the South African Red Hot Poker Kniphofia bruceae have begun to flower.  VBG has a nationally renowned collection of Kniphofia including this highly...

Is Brugmansia the New Canna?

The Canna Bank at VBG is so named because it became where we grew the riot of colour possible from the species and cultivars of Canna. Canna are well established in English gardens, they are usually treated as half hardy prennials that need to be lifted (and divided)...

Hop Harvest Report

On a clear sunny day on 10th September 2014 staff, Friends and volunteers gathered at the Cliff Top Hop Yard. Picking began at 8am as soon as the dew began to dry. Picking hops by hand ensures only the fully ripe cones are selected, and all the bits and pieces of...

Hops Festival 2014

Hops Festival returns! Celebrating another successful hops harvest, Ventnor Botanic Garden is delighted to announce Hops Festival will be taking place on Sunday 21st September. This year, Hops Festival will be featuring a range of beers and real ales brewed on the...