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Puya begin to flower

Puya flower spikes emerge   Flower spikes of 3 Puya species have emerged at Ventnor Botanic Garden.  P. chilensis, with its striking yellow flowers, P. spathacea showing one spike and P. berteroana with its amazing blue flowers. This year we are hopeful that P....

Luke Gunner left for Kew

Luke Gunner, Garden Team Leader at Ventnor Botanic Garden, has been accepted on the prestigious Kew Diploma course at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.  The diploma attracts applications from hundreds of prospective students annually for only 15 places. Luke, 26, has...

Drive Thru Botanic Garden

In 2013 VBG was visited by Dr Mike Maunder, lately Director of Fairchild Botanic Garden and Hawaii Botanic Garden,  now Associate Dean of Florida International University.  We are lucky to have him agree to join the VBG Advisory Group.  On his visit we had lengthy...

VBG Schools Education Launch

The VBG Outdoor Classroom Opens for Business February 21st At a special launch event at the garden, VBG has launched our programme for school’s education, driven and assisted by the VBG Friends’ Society. Joy Monro of the VBG Friends has brought  the...

Garden Blog

Over the Christmas period it has been good to visit the Garden as someone who is interested in plants.  I’m reminded straight away what a remarkable collection of half-hardy plants have been amassed at Ventnor over the years.  So many plants have very personal...