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Photography Competition Winners

Wightlife Photography Competition Thanks to all those that entered the photography competition as featured in Wightlife magazine this year. Ventnor Botanic Garden is delighted to announce the winners are; First Prize Ron Acred – Camellia Runners up Vivienne Pickering...

Garden Blog

The first voyage of James Cook on HMS Endeavour introduced the Australasian flora to European botanists for the first time.  I’ve often wondered before about how daunting this must have been, to see familiar plant families diversified to such a degree in Australia...

Save the Tropical House Appeal

Tropical House in urgent need of repair October 29th The October storm brought moderate damage compared to the big storm years of ’87 and ’90, but the most serious issue has been with our Tropical House where we lost a roof panel and some other damage to the cladding...

National Collection Status Granted for VBG Puya

Plant Heritage, formerly NCCPG, has officially recognised the collections of Puya held at VBG and awarded National Collection status for the Garden’s hardy and half hardy Puya.  VBG has over 80 accessions representing more than 25 taxa in 17 species of Puya. ...

Garden Blog

  On previous plant collecting trips we have often admired a large group of Ochavagia rosea outside Hardy Exotics Nursery in Penzance.  Proprietor Clive Shilton had never any available for us to purchase until 2007 when he was generous enough to prize of a...