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VBG Friends photography competition

The photographic competition “A Year in Ventnor Botanic Garden” announced in the last ventnorensis is happening from 1 April 2016, the closing date for entries is 31 March 2017. Photographs for the competition must be taken in Ventnor Botanic Garden, there are four...

A threat to our Geranium maderense

Chris has planted out several hundred plants of the tender Geranium maderense along the roadside outside of the Gardens. They have survived two winters and by May they should be putting on a spectacular  show of flowers. Nothing quite like this will have been seen in...

Magnolias at VBG

4Magnolias are well known as the earliest flowering trees each year at VBG and it is a definite sign that early spring is just around the corner! Magnolia campbellii subsp. mollicomata Our Magnolia campbellii Alba are from the western Himalaya, (Nepal to Assam) and...

Trialing Mediterranean orchids

The Olive Grove already contains some plants which are native to open ground along the Mediterranean coast and we are looking to expand the range of species. One group of plants which are particularly characteristic are the Ophrys group of orchids which are very much...