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Garden Blog

On Saurday 16th June I had the great pleasure of greeting Dr John David, the Royal Horticultural Society’s Chief Scientist at VBG.  We spent a highly enlightening afternoon reviewing the Puya collection.  We received this email from Dr David frollowing his...

John’s Blog

One of our continuing challenges is to get everyone who loves this garden involved; involved beyond simply enjoying their visits.  Our philosophy in building the Ventnor Botanic Garden Community Company has been to develop the Garden by drawing on the ideas and wishes...

Garden Blog

The remarkably warm weather so far this winter has allowed several species to flower at VBG that don’t usually get warm enough to fully open. Aloe arborescens, the irritatingly named Octopus Plant (uurgh!) usually gets hit by the cold before now and its flower...

Christmas Blog

A lighthearted look (with pictures) behind the scenes at the Christmas Village…. You just don’t get snow in Ventnor… so we had to make our own: “Do you want onions with that?” Beryl is either making yet another wreath bow…or...

Christmas Blog

The VBG Christmas tree has arrived.  Here we have Dean and Alex manouvering it into place.  The tree was donated free by a colleague in another garden (you know who you are) and transported courtesy of Trevor Nobes.  NDL are very kindly supplying the lighting, so...

Garden Blog

Will 2012 be an Echium year? Some years are called Echium Years at VBG, these are when we get an unusually large number of Echium pininana in flower simultaneously.  We’ve not had a good Echium Year for a while due to the dreadful winters of 2009-2011. ...