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Garden Blog

“I’ve got this plant growing in my garden…” This is quite a common question we get asked at the Garden.  Sometimes its just a description, sometimes a photograph, sometimes a scrap of the plant itself.  Quite often the plants are described as...

Garden Blog

Coming soon, buy that special gift, plant or packet of VBG seeds online. Our online Gift Shop will soon be selling a range of VBG branded gifts, bottled TropicAle, the highlights from our plant sales and the full range seed collected here at the Garden. Order from the...

Kates Blog

A letter back from our first scholarship intern,  Valérie: ” I enjoyed a lot to do this scholarship during two weeks in the Ventnor Botanic garden. I was very happy to meet the staff and the other volunteers whom were very nice and helpfull; in particulary Kate...

Garden Blog

The majority of Australian plants we see in UK gardens originate from the cool high altitudes of South Eastern Australia and, further south, Tasmania.  Beaufortia sparsa, the Swamp Bottlebrush, is native to South Western Australia.  In cultivation it is not often...

Garden Blog

The Flacourtiaceae is a rarely to be marvelled plant family whose distribution tends towards the tropical.  From a horticultural perspective, its members are hardly of the most intense floristic beauty.  For the botanist, the floral structure is unusual and instantly...

Garden Blog

With the hops from this years picking stowed in the van it was time for the annual pilgrimage to Hereford where our hop growing expert and advisor, Peter Davies (above), was waiting at the drying facility near Dormington.  The journey, being too long for a single...