Wednesday, 30th August 2023
Far end of the Car Park from about 11.30
Bridgette, Linda and Fiona are planning the last Plant Sale of the year on this date, weather permitting. Look for them somewhere at the end of the car park.
You may be planning to reduce clumps of interesting flowers for next year, or have some spare bulbs, or too many young plants popping up. If so, can you donate them for us to sell please? Bring them when you come or leave them in the staff Nammet Room (next to the toilets at the end of the car park). Please LABEL each pot with name of plant – and flower colour if possible. Also welcome are produce/seeds/books/gardening items etc.
Any questions…
Please contact Bridgette on bdsibbick@yahoo.co.uk / 01983 867739 or
Linda on thedavises@talktalk.net / 01983 717520