Private Dinners
If you’re looking for the perfect venue for a private dinner, Ventnor Botanic Garden has plenty of options to choose from. With a range of spaces available from the Fountain Courtyard to the Palm Garden, the Echium terrace to The Plantation Room Café, we can host private dinners of any size in style.
Our chefs will work with you to create the perfect botanically inspired menu to suit the tastes of you and your guests. So whether you prefer traditional fare or exotic taster menus that intrigue your taste buds, find out more about our Bespoke Cuisine service here.
For more information and booking enquiries email info@botanic.co.uk, or call 01983 858048.

Tel: 01983 855397 | Ventnor Botanic Garden Community Company C.I.C | Company Number: 07976468 | Registered Address: Undercliff Drive, Ventnor, Isle of Wight, PO38 1UL
If you’re looking for the perfect venue for a private dinner, Ventnor Botanic Garden has plenty of options to choose from. With a range of spaces available from the Garden Gallery to the Palm Garden, the Echium terrace to The Plantation Room Café, we can host private dinners of any size in style.
Our chefs will work with you to create the perfect botanically inspired menu to suit the tastes of you and your guests. Find out more about our Bespoke Cuisine service here.