Discover Britain’s oldest colony of wall lizards in this news article.
Did you know that Ventnor Botanic Garden, and the surrounding Undercliff region is home to a stunning colony of Wall Lizards? Known as Britain’s oldest colony, these beautiful animals are also known as the Common Wall Lizard.
“Ventnor Botanic Garden, Isle of Wight A balmy microclimate and a scrubland habitat support Britain’s oldest colony of wall lizards.”

The lizards can be found in most areas of the garden, but you’re more likely to find them in warm, exposed areas sunbathing. Be sure to keep your eyes peeled around the Tropical House, the Arid Garden and some of the walls and pathways in the Med. Be quick though as they can scurry around and dart for cover at the slightest hint of danger. So, be sure to keep an eye on where you’re casting a shadow as this is what they are running from!
If you’re lucky to see them up close, you’ll be able to marvel at their glistening skin with greens and browns.